Christmas is Coming!

by Friday, October 9, 2015

Have you started saving for Christmas presents? I bet some of you have even started shopping! I am a little behind this year. I’d like to at least have my list ready to go and have put away some presents already. Unfortunately, I am not there yet. I hope to get a list going at least this weekend. What I have done this year however is started a sinking fund. Each month I put $85 away in an envelope so that I would be more financially prepared.  I have also been selling some items on Ebay and Facebook Marketplace. I have been a little successful and have put that money in my Christmas sinking fund. I’ve also cashed out on some of my survey sites. Hoping to offset the spending a little because as we know can really add up! Next year I plan to tweak my sinking funds and savings envelopes for a few categories. Do you use a sinking find and a cash envelope system?

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