One Piece A Week Challenge

by Tuesday, February 2, 2021

2021 seems like the year of challenges. By challenges, I don’t mean hard times but rather motivating challenges. Challenges are something that I can easily get roped into. I really do think they are good ways to keep you motivated and provide accountability. However, they can be addicting. Choosing the correct challenge for you is a personal decision based on your level of commitment and purpose in your life. My family and I have chosen to participate in a simple yet purposeful challenge. We are taking part in the one item a week challenge. The challenge is exactly what it says. Each person in my home will get rid of one article of clothing per week. Now of course we may get rid of more than one but we have to get rid of at least one article of clothing every week Each Sunday we make a pile of the discarded items in our hallway and then fold them up and bring them to the donation pile. The end result will in the very least relieve our wardrobes of at least 52 unnecessary pieces. What challenges are you taking part in this year?

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2 Responses
  • Angelika
    February 10, 2021

    I am taking part in a minimalism challenge this year when it comes to my kids’ clothing and toys. I have a ton of clothing in their closet from which they grew out of and it’s cluttering the entire closet. And it made me realize how ridiculous it is to have spent so much money on stuff they barely wore half the time. So this year I am giving away the old clothes that they no longer need, and being mindful of what and how much I buy. I am going to be more practical with what they wear this year. Stuff that will actually be used.

  • Andrea
    February 10, 2021

    I LOVE this idea – therapeutic on so many levels!!