What To Buy in April

by Thursday, April 6, 2017

It’s April so it’s time for spring cleaning but don’t forget the great deals you can get in April as well!

1. Winter Apparel – Most coats are pretty hard to find as they have been cleared but if you can find any they will be at a deep discount. Hats, gloves and scarves are on sale everywhere. Be sure to stock up for next year!

2. St. Patrick’s Day Items – Decorations and paper goods will be at a low price. If you know you will be needing them again next year, here’s your time to stock up!

3. Tax Day Deals and Freebies – There will many deals for April 15th and 16th. See additional posts for these!

4. Food – Ham/turkey/lasagnas… many stores are offering these free or discounted with a purchase of some sort. Be sure to stock up. Also eggs are at an incredibly low price. Check your individual stores for deals on baking goods as well.

5. Garden Supplies-They may not be at a super low price but gardening supplies and seeds will start off at a lower price now and gradually get higher throughout May so make your list, see what you need and purchase them.

6. Easter Clearance – As the month goes on and the holiday comes and goes be on the lookout for Easter clearance. Decor and paper goods of course will be on sale but also look for discounted small toys that you can use as a stocking stuffers or to go along with birthday gifts. Also some spring generic gifts will also be on sale. Easter clothing will also be discounted.

7. Earth Day Deals – These used to be a lot more widespread but there are still deals to be had. Some stores may offer a discount on beauty products or even free products if you recycle an old one. This may also be true for reusable bags. But if you cannot get them free you can probably still find good prices on things like reusable bags and reusable water bottles. Keep your eye out!

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