What to Buy in August!

by Saturday, July 30, 2016

August is right around the corner and it is time to stock up on those items that will be at the best prices!

Here is a list of what you should keep an eye out for…

Patio Furniture- Stores will be looking to rid themselves of these larger items.

Pool Toys– These never get old so stock up and keep for next year!

Gardening Supplies– How happy will you be next spring when you have these already on hand?

Flip Flops– Although I stocked up at the Old Navy $1 sale in June, you can find many other stores with heavy discounts on flippies this month!

Sunscreen-Stock up this month on sunscreen! Almost all will not expire for at least a year! Plus there are still coupons out there that won’t expire until the end of the month so you can really snag a great deal!

Swimwear– What better time to try on a bathing suite than now when you already have a tan rather than in May when you are pasty white? Plus the price will so much better!

Frozen Breakfast Food– Stores will be getting ready for school so stock up on these convenience foods and remember your coupons!

Snack Foods~ Granola bars, fruit snacks, snack sized chips etc. will all start to be on sale this month. Great for end of summer pool, lake or beach snacks as well as school lunch snacks!

School Supplies– Of course deep discounts will be around for all of your school needs. Keep an eye out at many different stores for the best prices!

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