Five Things You Must Buy in September

by Monday, September 5, 2016

And just like that it is September! Kids are back at school and we are gearing up for the fall season. There are some great buys out there for the month of September so keep your eye out for some of the following items:

1. School Supplies – We were also looking out for these in August but these will be heavily on sale in September. If you haven’t already stocked up now is the time to do so. Things will start to get picked over soon as well so get to stores like Walmart, Target, Staples and even your local grocery stores as soon as possible to grab the best deals!

2. Summer Leftovers-Stores will be anxious to rid their shells of their summer items to make way for Halloween and Christmas inventory. Obviously summer clothing is a must! Although things will start to get picked over, be sure to grab the last of the bathing suit, flip-flops, shorts and tanks. Also air-conditioners and fans will be a great price now! These will never go out of style. Any leftover patio furniture will be super cheap so if you’re in the market now is the time to get some. Sunscreen is a great price this time of year. If you can find any that still out there buy it because it will not expire at least until the end of next year. You never have enough sunscreen.

3. Apples – Great time to get apples at a super low price. You can buy them and bake all those apple goodies that you can freeze. Start your school year off right by sending healthy apple snacks with the kiddos!

4. Tomatoes-Another great food item to grab. Great for your fall salads and homemade tomato sauce!

5. Back to school snacks-These are super low right now. Things that I typically would never buy during the school year because they are so expensive, I will grab such as fruit snacks, small bags of cookies and chips, pudding, applesauce.

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