September , Yay! But Not Really!

by Friday, September 16, 2016

During the last few weeks of August I get so organized! By the time September 1st rolls around I feel super ready and motivated! I feel like I have everything in place and it will all run smoothly. Then reality sets in… kids start school, packing lunches and snacks every day. I head back to work. Back-to-School nights happen and kids activities all start up. The next thing I know things aren’t getting done or not getting done the way I would like them to such as my blog! I feel like that has really suffered these last few weeks and I apologize! I am going to reprioritize and put that on the top of the list. Frugal living and saving money is a top priority for me and I want to help others make it a top priority for them! So I appreciate you sticking with me! I will be back up and running ASAP with all the great deals and tips to help you save money and shop the best prices!

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